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Iran really has amazing nature. One of the most memorable experiences you can create for yourself is to dedicate a few weeks to Iran. Iran tour is one of the best types of travel and tourism.In this trip, you can see the best sights of Iran in a few days trip. Move from the north of Iran, see all the cities on your way one by one and record the incredible Iranian landscapes in your mind and soul. Then visit the west, south and east of Iran and finally return to the beautiful north. But if you plan to visit Iran, it is really difficult to know where to go and which cities to visit. A comprehensive and complete travel guide to Iran :

For this reason, a complete and comprehensive road map can help you know the priority cities. Also, a proper planning can help you choose the right clothes and equipment for each city in the country. Follow this article from TourismAssist magazine to get the road map and all the information you need for your amazing trip.

The beginning of a tour of the northern cities of Iran, rain, forest, sea and delicious food

Northern Iran is the best place to start your memorable trip. In northern cities, you can expect to eat the most delicious food of your life. Experience the best weather of Iran and drive on the most beautiful roads of the country. You can start your tour of Iran from Gilan. Explore Gilan from west to east and from there reach the east of Iran. Your unique journey begins here.

The nature of northern Iran - travel guide to Iran

The nature of northern Iran – travel guide to Iran


Beautiful Gilan ends at Astara and Iran-Azerbaijan border on one side and Qazvin province on the other side. This province is famous for delicious food and great restaurants, the sea and of course the forest. The places of this province are spectacular, but the most remarkable thing about Gilan is its roads, which seem to pass through dreams and reach small towns and colorful hilltops.


Without exaggeration, we can say that Astara is one of the most beautiful border cities of Iran. Of course, at the end of our trip, we will return to Astara and see one of the most beautiful roads in Iran, so don’t be in too much of a hurry to see Hiran Pass. Let’s start from Astara first and see the sights of this beautiful city.

Tourist places in Astara

An excellent planning for a few days tour of Iran – travel guide to Iran

In Astara you can go to the seaside, sit on the rocks by the beach or visit the Astara Beach Market. Then exit the city and cross the coastal road to reach the beautiful Lake Steele. Relax by the lake and watch the trees floating on the water. Then follow the same path until you reach Talash.

To learn more about the various tourist attractions of this city, you can read the sightseeing places of Astara.


Talesh has the most beautiful intersection of the forest and the sea. Wherever you look around the city, on one side is the forest and on the opposite side you can feel the cool breeze of the sea on your face. It is for this reason that one of the most beautiful and cool climates in the country belongs to this city.

Tourist places in Talesh - travel guide to Iran

Tourist places in Talesh – travel guide to Iran

In Talesh city, the most beautiful place you can see is Siahdaran Forest Park. You don’t need to leave the city for more than a few minutes to reach this forest park. When you reach the top, you will see the whole city below you. One of the attractions of Siahdaran Forest Park is the rail sled of this park, which moves you through the intertwined trees of the forest at high speed.

Of course, Talash has other sights, which can be of great help to you by getting to know Talash’s sights before traveling to it. Remember to visit the beautiful Gisum beach on the way to Rasht. To reach this beach, you have to drive for about 20 minutes on a forest road. This road in itself is so beautiful that it takes your breath away, but its real beauty begins when the forest ends and you suddenly see the endless sea in front of you. You probably won’t forget this sight anytime soon.


Now you have reached the center of Gilan province and it is time to go to the food that was promised to you. The city of Rasht is registered as a creative city of gastronomy in UNESCO. Therefore, the first place you go to in Rasht must be one of the good restaurants in the city. After you have finished mourning, go to Rasht Municipality Square and walk along the city’s cultural sidewalk. If luck is with you and you have reached Rasht during the weekend, you will see all kinds of handicraft stalls in this square. If not, it doesn’t matter, because the square itself is so attractive that you can sit there for hours and watch the happy and enthusiastic people of Rashti shopping and playing. If you want to skip other places of interest in Rasht and resume your tour of Iran, you can go to Tehran Road.

Tourist places in Rasht

Tourist places in Rasht

But on your way to Lahijan, it is really a pity to miss the rural heritage museum. This museum is located at the 18th kilometer of Tehran-Rasht road and the beginning of Saravan road, and on the way to Lahijan, it only takes you a few minutes further; But it is really worth it. The Rural Heritage Museum is located in the heart of Saravan forests and hosts several real rural houses from different parts of Gilan. These houses were donated to the museum by the benevolent people of Gilan and then moved to this museum. There is also food, tea and all kinds of delicious local sweets in the Basat museum, and you can be sure that you will not go hungry.


Well, now you have reached Lahijan, the city of tea, cookies, mountains and the sea. The first thing you will see after entering Lahijan is the view of Satan Mountain in the distance. You will see that all the foothills are covered with tea gardens and the aroma of tea will intoxicate you. Of course, don’t worry because you are going to see this mountain from much closer.

Tourist places in Lahijan

Tourist places in Lahijan

To see all of Lahijan at a glance, it is better to go to Bam Lahijan. Park the car up there and get off. The surrounding scenery and good mountain air will surely double your energy. Now, if you want to go higher, the Lahijan cable car is waiting for you. This cable car will take you to the heart of the most beautiful tea gardens in the highest parts of Gilan. In addition to the beauty of the destination, the route is so beautiful that you don’t want it to end. When you come down, you have two options, continue to Lahijan, or hit the road again and say goodbye to Gilan.


The road between Lahijan and Ramsar is one of the most relaxing roads in Iran. Most parts of this road pass very close to the sea, so that when you look to the left, you can see the calm and beautiful blue sea. On the right side of the road are mountains covered with trees and small and big cities.

Iran tour in Mazandaran province

Iran tour in Mazandaran province


The first city of Mazandaran you enter is Ramsar. Beautiful and lovely Ramsar is located right next to the sea. Therefore, choose one of the beach parks in the city and relax a little. You can go to one of Ramsar’s restaurants and cafes and eat. Then you can reach the most beautiful villa in Iran.

Iran tour in Ramsar province

Iran tour in Ramsar province

To reach the beautiful village of Javaherdeh, you have to go 28 kilometers away from Ramsar. But the whole journey is worth it. Along the way, you pass through a heavenly road and go higher and higher until you finally see the clouds under your feet. Due to the high altitude above the sea level, the air temperature in Javaherdeh is usually different from the city. Therefore, prepare yourself for the cold and bring warm clothes. Ramsar has many rivers, waterfalls, and lakes, each of which has its own beauty. To learn about all these sights, you should take a look at the list of Ramsar attractions.


Tourist places in Chalus

Tourist places in Chalus

After Ramsar, hit the beautiful northern road again and enjoy the incredible views of the cities and forests between the cities. The distance between cities in this part of the country is so small that it is hard to know where one city ends and the next begins. What is certain is that moving your eyes to the beauty of the sea will lighten up and you will have the opportunity to enjoy a little driving by the sea.

Before you reach Chalos, do not miss the pleasure of another cable car. After you pass Tenkabon, before reaching Chalus, you will reach Namak Abroud entertainment complex, where the cable car is one of its attractions. When you go to the top of the mountain with the cable car, you can also try the zip line of the complex. In addition, you can take unique photos of the view from the top of the mountain. Of course, the sights of Chalus don’t end here, but the time is short and you have to hit the road again.


One of the biggest problems of traveling in Iran is that every city and province you step into, you want to stay there and not go any further. It really requires an iron will to leave Chalus, go through Mahmudabad, Amol, Babol, and Qaimshahr and reach Sari. There are many historical and natural attractions in Sari. In addition, all the surrounding cities are waiting for you with attractive sights.

Iran tour in sari province- travel guide to Iran

Iran tour in sari province – travel guide to Iran

But one of the must-see places is Badab springs, 121 km south of Sari. It is true that you have to drive for about two hours to reach these springs, but both the surrounding scenery and what awaits you at the destination are worth it. If you go to Badab springs in the summer season, be sure to bring swimming gear. The water of these springs is extremely salty and the minerals in it make the lake water yellow, red and orange.


Well, what you saw in Mazandaran province is enough and now it’s time to experience paradise in a different way. The cities, forests, and beaches of Golestan province are so beautiful and pristine that you will not believe that you have stepped on the earth.


It is 133 kilometers from Sari to Gorgan. But don’t worry at all that the road is long and hard. On the way, you have to pass through the cities of Neka, Kurdkoy, and Nodija. In addition, the beach, the sea and the Gorgan Bay are also on your way. Now where to see Gorgan? Of course, there are many natural attractions in Gorgan like other northern cities, but you should not miss the Nahar Khoran forest.

In the heart of the forest, the river and Ziarat waterfall are waiting for you. After seeing them, you can also visit the beautiful village of Ziarat. It is worth visiting near Naharkhoran Chasme and Alangdare Lake, and its beautiful view can make your day more memorable. By this lake, you can set up tea and dinner table and stay for a few hours and rest.

Iran tour in gorgan province

Iran tour in gorgan province

Turkmen port

From Gorgan to Turkmen commercial port, you have only 40 kilometers to the north. For this reason, after visiting Gorgan, you must see the attractions of Bandar Turkmen. The first place you should see in Turkmen Port is Turkmen Pier.

Turkmen commercial port

Turkmen commercial port

After this pier, you can get on a boat and reach Ashurade, the only island in the Caspian Sea. This island was inhabited until a few years ago, but now it has become a home for thousands of migratory birds. If you love wild nature, this island will be your paradise.

Tour of Iran in the cities of eastern Iran

Little by little, we reach the eastern cities of Iran and have to say goodbye to the green and beautiful north. Of course, eastern cities have their own beauty. High mountains and beautiful cities await you, whose people are the warmest in all of Iran.

North Khorasan

After Golestan, North Khorasan is the first province you will come across on your Iran tour. North Khorasan is famous for its resorts and sights. After all the forests and greenery of northern Iran, now we have reached landscapes that are mostly mountainous and dry. That means they have colder winters and hotter summers. Therefore, you should probably change your clothes and wear clothes suitable for the new climate.


Bojnord city is the capital of North Khorasan province. This city has two famous resorts named Baba Aman and Bash Qardash. Bash Qardash means five brothers, which has an interesting historical story. Apparently, these five brothers stood against the oppression of the king of that time and then took refuge in the mountains. This mountain, which is the current location of Bojnoord city, was a waterless and grassy place. But after the arrival of these brothers, five bubbling springs rose from the mountain and the water made the land green and fertile. You can drink from the water of these five springs. Even traditional medicine doctors believe that this water is suitable for treating digestive diseases.

Iran tour in Bojnord city

Iran tour in Bojnord city

Khorasan Razavi

But now that you have passed North Khorasan, you will reach Razavi Khorasan. On the way to Razavi Khorasan, it is better to go through Kavos Dome, Shirvan and Qochan. This route is slightly shorter than Shahroud, Sabzevar, and Neishabour. In addition, the northern route is greener.


Most Iranian people go to Mashhad to visit the shrine of the 8th Imam, but you should know that Mashhad’s sights are more than these words. If you have arrived in Mashhad during one of the hot months of the year, be sure to visit Mashhad rock park named “Gohesangi”. Due to its high altitude, this park is spectacular both during the day and at night.

Gohesangi in Mashhad city - Iran tour

Gohesangi in Mashhad city – Iran tour

In addition to Gohesangi, there are many places of pilgrimage and entertainment that you should not miss. For example, you must see Targhabeh and Shandiz near Mashhad. Targhabeh is one of the suburbs of Mashhad, which has a beautiful weather and scenery, and Shandiz is also famous for its beautiful and high-quality restaurants.


Your tour of Iran will not be complete unless you go to Neyshabur, the city of poets and turquoise. The distance between Mashhad and Neishabur is 139 kilometers, which takes about one hour and forty minutes. If you get tired in the middle of the way, you can take a rest in Kharv villa city. This green and beautiful city in the middle of the desert road is like a paradise for people who have been on the road for hours.

Iran tour in Neyshabur city

Iran tour in Neyshabur city

As for Neyshabur itself, the tombs of Attar and Khayyam are among the most important attractions of Neishabur. In addition, see the graves of Kamal-ul-Molk and Parviz Meshkatian, the great musicians of Iran. After that, if you are interested in observing and gazing at the stars, Khayyam Observatory is the best place for you. In this planetarium, you can see a 180 degree view of the sky and stars.

South Khorasan province

We are slowly getting closer to the south of the country and the country’s weather is getting hotter and desertier. The distance between cities and provinces is more in the southern half of the country than in the northern half. That’s why you should make changes in your Iranian travel routine. For example, bring enough water and food and use a strong sunscreen. Most importantly, service your car and ensure the health of its cooling system. South Khorasan province is famous for its saffron fields. Therefore, in this province, you will have the opportunity to see the stages of planting and harvesting saffron closely.

saffron fields in South Khorasan province

saffron fields in South Khorasan province


If you have reached Birjand in the summer season, a delicious trip awaits you. Because all of Birjand is covered with barberry, apricot, grape and almond orchards. All these delicious fresh fruits can be bought in the city’s orchards, fruits that have just been picked from the tree. If you want a cool place under the shade of trees and next to the water, you can go to Gyuk Birjand waterfall. This waterfall is 5 km away from Birjand and going there can make you a clean and pleasant picnic.

Sistan and Baluchestan

We continue our tour to the south of Iran. The next place you should visit is Sistan and Baluchistan province. You have probably heard the name of Sistan from Shahnameh, where Rostam was born. And of course, you probably know this province because of its desert climate and lack of water. But the sights of Sistan and Baluchistan are more amazing than other parts of Iran because of this hot and dry climate.


You have to drive about 460 kilometers of desert road from Birjand to Zahedan. Along the way, you will probably see camels moving in herds in the desert. Whenever you reach the settlement, you will see palm trees reaching towards the sky. When you arrive in Zahedan, first take a walk around the city and be sure to buy hand-embroidered Baluche clothes from the local markets. After that, if you get tired of the heat, you can go 100 km away from the city and go to Ladiz.

Ladiz in zahedan - Iran tour

Ladiz in zahedan – Iran tour

Ladiz village is one of the most amazing places in Zahedan. This water-filled village in the heart of the mountain remains like a paradise in the heart of the desert. In the mountains around the village, you can find caves with water dripping from their roofs. The sound of water gurgling on the floor of the cave and its reflection on its walls is really amazing. In addition, due to the height of the village and the presence of many springs, the air of this village is cooler than other areas of the province.


The next destination in this amazing tour of Iran is Chabahar. The attractions of Chabahar are really more than you want to see them all in a few days. In addition, the weather in this part of the country is so beautiful and pleasant that you don’t want to leave Chabahar. Go to Lipar Lagoon as your first destination in Chabahar.

Iran tour in chabahar port

Iran tour in chabahar port

This wetland in Iran is completely unique and there are only five like it in the whole world. The reason why Lipar Hall is different is the pink and red colors you see in it. Thanks to the presence of special bacteria, the colors of this lagoon are more beautiful than any painting. Of course, Lipar lagoon is home to beautiful birds such as flamingos, plains eagles, and peacocks. Nature lovers should bring a camera so that they can capture the infinite beauty of this lagoon.

Iran tour in the cities of southern Iran

We have reached the south of Iran, the area of dates and fish. The climate in this region is hot and tropical. That means, in addition to the high heat in the summer months, you also have to endure a lot of dirt. That’s why it’s time to change the style of your clothes and wear free and cool clothes. Our suggestion is to get local southern clothes and wear them. In this way, you help the economy of southern cities and stay cool.

Hormozgan Province

Welcome to Hormozgan province. Now it’s time to replace the views of the Caspian Sea and the north of the country with the eternal Persian Gulf and southern views in your mind. Driving along the coast is really enjoyable when here and there the sea shows itself. If you think that you have had this experience once in the north of the country and you don’t need it anymore, you are wrong.

Iran tour in Hormozgan Province

Iran tour in Hormozgan Province

Bandar Abbas

After driving 678 kilometers, you finally reach Bandar Abbas. A city that is the destination of most of the cargo ships going to Iran. It makes sense to go to the port first and see the small and large ships that are busy in the port before seeing the other attractions of Bandar Abbas.

Iran tour in Bandar Abbas

Iran tour in Bandar Abbas

Maybe before you go to the mosques, water reservoirs and other places of interest in Bandar Abbas, it is better to take a dip in the natural hot water tub and get rid of the tiredness of the trip. Genu hot spring is located 34 km north of Bandar Abbas and besides the hot spring, it has other activities for you. After you’re tired, you can ride a horse at the GNU riding track or, if you don’t have horse riding skills, enjoy a sleigh ride.

After you’ve had some fun, head back to Bandar Abbas beach and order one of the delicious southern seafood dishes at one of the pavilions on the beach. You can spend the night in one of the tourist resorts in the city and leave early tomorrow morning for the next destination, Qeshm.


The size of Qeshm Island is about 10 times that of Kish Island. For this reason, it can be said that the nature of this island has remained untouched and pristine. Qeshm Island contains several valleys and beaches, and seeing each of them is not without pleasure. Visiting all the sights of Qeshm Island and its surrounding islands requires a good pair of sports shoes. So kick up your heels and get ready to go.

Iran tour in gheshm - travel guide to Iran

Iran tour in gheshm – travel guide to Iran

The first place you can see in Qeshm is Star Valley. It is just like Martians mountain in Chabahar. Stepping into it, you feel that you are no longer on the planet and you have stepped on an unknown planet. The strange shapes of this valley were created by the erosion of sedimentary rocks in two million years. Of course, it should be noted that this valley is registered as one of the natural monuments in the UNESCO organization.

You can go to Hormuz by boat from Qeshm Island. In Hormuz first, find the earthen carpet of the island. If the weather is good and it hasn’t rained, this carpet is very spectacular. A group of 50 people uses the island’s own colored sand and designs a clay carpet. This carpet is 1,200 square meters and shows off the color diversity of the sand in the island in the best way.

Hormuz dirt carpet beach - travel guide to Iran

Hormuz dirt carpet beach – travel guide to Iran


Now that we are talking about the island tour, we must say that a tour of Iran is incomplete without seeing the island of Kish. To travel from Qeshm to Kish first, you need to go to Bandar Pol by boat. After that, drive from Bandar Pol to Bandar Charak and then take a ferry to Kish Island. Of course, this route also has a sea route. If the Sunny ferry is active, you can go directly to Kish from Qeshm with this ferry.

From shopping to sightseeing, biking on the beach, and watching the sunset from the Greek ship can’t be included in a day trip. But if you want to see only one sight on the island, choose the dolphin park or dolphinarium. This saltwater aquarium is home to dolphins and several other marine mammals. But what makes the park spectacular are the dolphins’ stunts and their daily shows.

dolphinarium in kish island - travel guide to Iran

dolphinarium in kish island – travel guide to Iran

Bushehr province

After you return to Charak Island, drive another six hours along the coast. Pass the cities of Parsian, Asaluyeh and Kangan Port and reach Bushehr Port. Bushehr province is one of the most maritime cities in Iran and even in the world. This claim can be made for two reasons, first, the height of Bushehr is much lower than the sea level. So that if you watch the beach from the deck of the ship, it looks like half of the city is under water. Another reason is that Bushehr province generally has about 900 kilometers of coastline. It means that you can access the beach from anywhere in the province.


One of the main attractions of Bushehr is its groves. This city has about 39 thousand hectares of palm groves. Therefore, be sure to go to one of these groves and enjoy the view of palm trees and flowing streams. The people of Bushehr are so hospitable that you probably won’t return empty-handed from Nakhlestan. Indeed, Bushehr dates are the best dates in Iran, and if you are into buying souvenirs, this is the best option for you.

Iran tour in bushehr - travel guide to Iran

Iran tour in bushehr – travel guide to Iran

Other things that you must experience in Bushehr are the audible music of Bushehr and the delicious food of this city. Of course, the sights of Bushehr are not limited to these and there are many.


Ganaveh port is about 160 km away from Bushehr and is the next destination in our Iran tour. This old port has many attractions, including the sandy beach and the sand port. One of the places where you can spend happy hours is Halle Lagoon. Every year, this wetland hosts thousands of migratory birds that come here from cold regions. If you are in Ganaveh port at the right time, you will have the chance to see these beautiful birds.

Iran tour in Ganaveh Port - travel guide to Iran

Iran tour in Ganaveh Port – travel guide to Iran

Iran tour in Fars province

It’s time to say goodbye to the South Sea and go to the north and center of Iran. to Fars province. The southern parts of Fars province are not far from Ganaveh port. Our next destination is Shiraz. You have to drive 323 km to reach this beautiful city. On the way, you have to pass through the cities of Barazjan and Kazeroon and finally reach Shiraz.


In Shiraz, the weather is drier and cooler than in the southern parts of the country. The city of Shiraz is a paradise for tourists, both in terms of history, culture, and nature. You can do many things and see many places in this city, but one of the must-see sights in Shiraz is the beautiful gardens and mansions of Shiraz.

Iran tour in shiraz city - travel guide to Iran

Iran tour in shiraz city – travel guide to Iran

The city of Shiraz generally has eight main gardens and each of them has its own mansions and museums. Visiting each of these gardens will introduce you to a part of the beautiful history and culture of Shirazi. In addition, the beautiful design of these gardens has a refined mood that walking in them will remove all the fatigue from your life.

Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province

You have to get out of Shiraz. This time we will move to the northwest. Little by little we find our way to the starting point of the journey. But before that, you should see some other provinces. Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province is located in the heart of the Zagros mountain range, and the highest mountain in Iran, Dana, is located in this province. In this province, the more we go to the south, the warmer the weather becomes, and the more we move to the north, the colder and mountainous the weather becomes.

Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province - travel guide to Iran

Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province – travel guide to Iran


In the first half of the year, Yasouj is the city of flowery plains and raging waterfalls. This city is located in the mountainous and cold part of the province. If you come to Yasouj in winter and spring, be sure to go to Kakan ski resort. This is one of the best ski slopes in Iran, and even if you don’t have the necessary equipment, you can easily rent them in the slope area.

Iran tour in Yasuj city - travel guide to Iran

Iran tour in Yasuj city – travel guide to Iran

Yasouj’s attractions are endless, but if you want to choose one, it must be Tamradi Gorge. This gorge has both historical and natural value. Why? Because there have been wars in this strait throughout history, the effects of which can still be seen in the strait. In addition, there are beautiful springs and waterfalls everywhere in the gorge, each of which can be a suitable place to set up a memorable picnic.

Iran tour in western cities of Iran

So far, we have visited three main directions in Iran, and the only remaining direction is the west. Of course, the west of Iran has so many interesting and historical places that several books are needed to describe them. But in any case, in the rest of this article, we will get to know the cities that are on our way from west to north.

Ilam Province

There is a long way between Yasuj city and Ilam province. You have to travel a distance of 818 kilometers in about eleven and a half hours to reach the next destination of Iran tour. But do not worry because this route passes through the most beautiful and fertile plains of Iran and the beauty of the route does not allow you to feel tired or bored. On this route, you must pass the cities of Behbahan, Ramhormoz, Shush and Dezful. Parts of the Khuzestan plain, whose solitude and beauty will take your breath away. You drive on a road where nothing can be seen for miles except green fields and fruitful trees.


Ilam is known as the bride of Zagros. This city has a mild and mountainous climate and its natural scenery is truly breathtaking. If you want to spend a day in Ilam and see one of the famous places of Ilam, it must be the Arghvan Valley in Ardibehesht. This valley is three kilometers away from the city of Ilam and without exaggeration it is one of the most beautiful places in the country.

Iran tour in Ilam Province - travel guide to Iran

Iran tour in Ilam Province – travel guide to Iran

Imagine walking through a plain covered with purple trees with pink blossoms. The fresh and intoxicating scent of purple is in the air and butterflies and bees are flying around you. Don’t you want to stay in this space for a few hours and set up a picnic?

Of course, it is not bad to know that there is also a purple valley in Mashhad, which is near Targaba and Shandiz.

Kermanshah Province

Kermanshah is the closest neighbor of Ilam and it only takes about two hours to reach it. This province has hot and dry weather in the western parts and cold and mountainous in the eastern parts. The most impressive thing about Kermanshah province is the rich history of this province. The whole province has 3000 ancient works, 716 of which are registered as national works of Iran.


Paveh is one of the western cities of the province and is 112 km away from Kermanshah. The road around it is covered with wheat and barley fields and towering mountains. It is on the slopes of one of these mountains that the largest water cave in Asia and the longest cave in Iran is located in the heart of the mountain.

Quri Qal'eh Cave - travel guide to Iran

Quri Qal’eh Cave – travel guide to Iran

Qori Qala Cave is one of the most beautiful natural scenery in the entire province. A large part of this cave is open to the public. So take a warm outfit (even if it’s summer), buy an entrance ticket and go to the cave. Visiting this cave is part of your Iranian tourism experience that you will not soon forget. In places of the cave, the sound of trickling water and the rocks formed by these drops stand out with excellent lighting. Besides, there is a local bazaar outside the cave where you can buy all kinds of local handicrafts as souvenirs.


The center of Kermanshah province is waiting for you with its mosques and historical neighborhoods; But go to Taq Bostan as the first place you see. To reach Taqbostan, you must first pass through one of the most beautiful boulevards in Iran, namely Taqbostan Boulevard. Then you can go to visit Tagh Bostan petroglyphs, which go back to the Sassanid period. After visiting this place, go to one of the restaurants in Taq Bostan and treat yourself to the famous Kermanshahi Ribs.

Stone carving of Taq Bostan - travel guide to Iran

Stone carving of Taq Bostan – travel guide to Iran


Lorestan province is one of the rainiest cities in Iran at the foot of the Zagros mountains. For this reason, the number of lakes, springs, and waterfalls in this province is very large. Everywhere in this province is covered with green plains and rivers full of water, none of which can be crossed. For this reason, this city is a suitable destination for Iranian tourism.


From Kermanshah to Khorramabad, it is a two and a half hour journey that passes through beautiful mountains and plains. After you reach Khorram Abad, go directly to the most important symbol of the city, which is the Flak El Flak Castle. This castle is built on one of the biggest hills of the city and until this Qajar period it was the residence of the kings and governors of Lorestan. Now this castle has been turned into a museum and the objects stored in it date back to the Achaemenid period. These places of interest in Lorestan are not finished, but leave this city and go to Hamedan.

Iran tour in Khorramabad - travel guide to Iran

Iran tour in Khorramabad – travel guide to Iran

Hamedan province

Hamadan province is a gateway to the west to the center of Iran. That is, if you want to travel from the west of Iran to the center of Iran, you must pass through Hamadan. This province has very cold weather and its cold winds are famous. Therefore, be careful to bring suitable clothes.


It is three and a half hours from Khorram Abad to Hamedan. Of course, on your way there is the city of Malair, which you can also visit. But there will be so many places of interest in Hamadan that will satisfy you culturally, historically, and naturally. When visiting Hamedan, first visit the tombs of Baba Taher and Abu Ali Sina. The good thing about Hamadan is that most of its sights are located in the heart of the city and you can see most of them in a one-day excursion.

Tomb of Baba Taher in Hamedan - travel guide to Iran

Tomb of Baba Taher in Hamedan – travel guide to Iran

Another sight-seeing place in Hamadan that you should not miss in this tour of Iran is the city of Lalejin. This city is officially registered as a pottery center in UNESCO and its pottery shops are famous all over the country. But the fact is that you will not understand the greatness and beauty of this city until you see these stores and workshops one by one.

Kurdistan province

Without exaggeration, we can say that Kurdistan province is one of the most beautiful provinces in the country and its people are among the most patient and kind people of Iran. Due to the common border with Iraq, this province is not very popular among tourists and officials, but it is actually the lost paradise of Iran.


One of the cities of Kurdistan that you must visit is the city of Marivan. This city can be attractive to you from two aspects, first, the natural attractions of Marivan, which are incredible, and second, the border market of this city, where everything can be found at a cheaper price.

Iran tour in marivan - travel guide to Iran

Iran tour in marivan – travel guide to Iran

If you want, you can go directly to Oraman from Hamedan before entering Marivan. Or, move 62 km to the southeast from Marivan. Anyway, Hazar Masuleh area with ladder villages, Khoroshan River, and Palengan recreation area are all sights that you should not miss on your Iranian tour.

West Azerbaijan province

We are slowly approaching the end of our exciting Iran tour. That’s why it’s time to move north and reach West Azarbaijan province. This province has one of the coldest climates in the country, and for this reason its springs are the clearest and its rivers are the most roaring rivers in Iran.


On your way from Marivan to Urmia, there are the cities of Saqqez and Bukan, which are worth visiting. Especially the city of Saqqez, where you can find all kinds of colored and woven fabrics for Kurdish clothes and buy a piece of Kurdish clothing as a souvenir.

Iran tour in Orumieh - travel guide to Iran

Iran tour in Orumieh – travel guide to Iran

But finally, on the way to Iran, we reach the Paris of Iran, the city of water. The first place you should see in Urmia is Lake Urmia. Iran’s largest saltwater lake has improved a little these days and has become a little more colorful. You can ride a boat on the lake and watch the migratory birds if it is the migration season. Of course, the historical sights of Urmia are also beautiful, and you can visit them one by one if you have patience.

East Azerbaijan Province

After Urmia, you can say goodbye to West Azarbaijan province and go to its eastern neighbor. If you want to list all the attractions of East Azerbaijan, you will have a very long list. From cultural and historical centers to protected natural areas and even ski resorts.


The sights of Tabriz are basically cultural and historical. From the tomb of great poets like Shahriar to the constitutional house and other historical houses of the city. But the place that gives you the most understanding of the city and the urban culture of Tabriz is the Tabriz market. As the largest covered market in Iran, you can find anything you want in this market. Of course, Tabriz leather and carpets have a special place in this market, and seeing the carpet corridors of the market has a certain purity.

Tabriz carpet market - travel guide to Iran

Tabriz carpet market – travel guide to Iran


Ardabil province is the coldest province in the country, but the hot springs of this province can warm you in any weather. In addition, the natural scenery and rich history of this city have the ability to keep you entertained for days. When you are in Ardabil, there are many choices in front of you, you can choose the thrill of skiing or the relaxation of diving in the springs of Sareen Spa.

Iran tour in Ardabil City - travel guide to Iran

Iran tour in Ardabil City – travel guide to Iran

The city of Ardabil is the last destination that you see in your far and wide tour of Iran. After that it is back to Astara, where we started the journey. One of the must-see places in Ardabil is Fandoğlu Forest in Ardabil. This forest is covered with hazelnut and wild apple trees and chamomile flowers. In this forest, you can see deer enclosed in the protected area. In addition, the facilities of skiing on grass and other types of entertainment are available for you.

heyran astara - travel guide to Iran

heyran astara – travel guide to Iran

The last word

After Ardabil, there is only one place left to go. Home! Or where you started this journey, Astara. But this does not mean that the beauties and wonders of Iran tour have ended. The route from Ardabil to Astara has one of the most beautiful roads in Iran, Hiran Pass. It is really worth it to end your trip with the good memory of riding the cable car and zipline on the beautiful valley of Hiran.

The end of this trip will show you what beautiful Iran has unknown places that are worth visiting. Traveling to Iran can be one of the most beautiful experiences of your life. The adventure you give yourself. Therefore, don’t delay and book your trip as soon as possible and separate yourself from the hustle and bustle of life for a few weeks and get lost in the maze of roads.
